Welcome to
ManGang UK
If you feel like you’re experiencing a crisis, or a medical emergency, please either contact NHS 111 or 999.
Alternatively you can contact The Samaritans on 116 123.

Proudly in partnership with
ManGang would like to sincerely thank and acknowledge these great Organisations that are supporting us along our journey to promoting better mental health in men. If you would like more information on any of the Organisations above, please click the Organisation’s logo and a new window will open with their site.
We care about Men's Mental Health
If you're living with it
Pop to our meetings page to find out where the nearest venue to you is.
Fancy a walk and talk around the common, with a refreshments break thrown in at the Cowherds Pub? Have a look at our meetings page for more info and to join us.
If you're not
If you know
Follow our Social Media pages and get connected with WhatsApp. Email or contact one of the team for more info.
It's Not Weak To Speak
ManGang was founded by a man who struggled with poor mental health all of his adult life.
Feeling the experience was something no one wanted to talk about, it was bottled up for a long time through fear of judgement.
After losing a friend to suicide in 2017, he set out to break the stigma that led his friend to feeling so isolated and alone. Our aim is to tell men all across the country that they needn’t be alone.
With amazing support from many organisations, our Gang continues to grow and we plan to expand our meetings even further. For every new ManGang member, there is one less man suffering in silence.
Proudly supported by
ManGang would like to also like to sincerely thank and acknowledge these great Organisations that are supporting us along our journey to promoting better mental health in men. If you would like more information on any of the Organisations above, please click the Organisation’s logo and a new window will open with their site.
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