More about The ManGang

A huge thank you to the NHS Southern Healthcare Trust and Solent University for putting together this film for us. 

Our Story

A few words about ManGang

What we do

We provide multiple meetings across Southampton and the surrounding areas. These meetings allow men who are struggling with their mental health the chance for conversation.

Our groups are free from judgement, with no BS or hidden agendas - we are simply here to help men talk to one another.

By having a conversation with someone who has faced similar hardships, you can rest assured knowing you’re not alone and get the support that many men have never had. The access to this personal support network means we have been able to help men all across Hampshire speak up about their mental health.

Who we are

Born out of a tragic circumstance, we set out to make a difference. For too long men have been made to feel emasculated by talking about their mental health.

ManGang are the network of men who believe it’s not weak to speak. We have grown in numbers since our first meeting, and survived COVID by meeting regularly on the Zoom platform.

Continuing to grow and now back to face to face meetings, we have helped remove the negativity around men talking about their issues and show how vital a simple conversation can be.

How it started

ManGang was founded by a man who struggled with poor mental health all of his adult life. Feeling the experience was something no one wanted to talk about, it was bottled up for a long time through fear of judgement.

After losing a friend to suicide in 2017, he set out to break the stigma that led his friend to feeling so isolated and alone. Our aim is to tell men all across the country that they needn’t be alone.

There is support out there for people who feel they have no one, and we are here to supply it.

Where we meet

Our meetings are every Wednesday starting at 18:30 at the following locations:

Eastleigh * NOW AT CHANDLERS FORD *   See: [Meetings]



Romsey [temporarily closed. Please check back soon for further info]

Feedback From Our

Don’t just take our word for it….

ManGang has been the best thing to happen to me for years! They are a group of friendly, welcoming and wonderful people. Mental Health is something that effects us all and ManGang work on breaking down male stereotypes and allow men to talk in a safe environment.
ManGang Member
This group has helped me more than any NHS mental health wellbeing treatment I've had, it is the support needed while waiting for help with mental health issues from your GP. It is a source of inspiration for anyone involved, and has helped many men who struggle with poor mental health. I would recommend this group to any man who needs a safe space to share their problems.
ManGang Member
I can honestly say that just over a year ago, I was ready to and my own life. My daughter somehow found out about Mangang on the internet To say they literally save me from doing so! There is no magic wand to it, just normal guys supporting each other with mental health issues and encouraging one and other If you honestly believe you have reached the end of the road, there is no light in the tunnel, then please, please believe me, there is. Please, please, please reach out There is hope and a future for you and me, whatever it is! Just reach out to us, come to the meetings, take what you need, and give what you can Remember, it's NOT wait to speak
ManGang Member
“In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty.”
ManGang Member
I came to mangang when I was hiding my depression from the world, in just one session with total strangers I felt able to share the darkness that I was living in. It's an amazing community to reach out to for support and some very wise words. It's run and attended by ordinary blokes who have their own struggles so you instantly feel not alone anymore. If you're struggling, visit the mangang at least once. It's ok to not always be ok.
ManGang Member